Banner Mountain Artisans was started in 2004 by Joan Unter when she asked 16 creative artisans from Grass Valley, Penn Valley and Nevada City to offer their artwork at a holiday show. The first event was held in 6 homes in close proximity on Banner Mountain, Nevada City. More quality artists were added each year, and in 4 years the attendance exceeded all expectations and outgrew the neighborhood. Banner Mountain Artisans had built a reputation offering diverse, quality handmade gifts, all sold in beautiful homes among the towering trees.
In 2008 the Banner Mountain Artisans Show and Sale moved to the Elks Lodge on Hwy. 49 in Nevada City where 31 artisans could be accommodated. The new venue has proven to be very popular with up to 2000 people who attend this free weekend event. Customers appreciate the experience of talking with our many award-winning and well-known artisans in this area while admiring fine art and high quality handcrafted items at one convenient location.
One of the unusual aspects of our BMA Show is the jurying and selecting of new artisans several months before the November Show. This ensures we will have great variety of handcrafted items at reasonable prices. We feature painting, photography, woodturning, jewelry, fiber art, decorative art, gourds, dried florals, mosaics, ceramics, hand-painted glass, wood carving, tile art, home decor, soaps, pottery, teddy bears, stained glass and more.
Some of the written comments include: “Awesome every year with nice, talented people.” “This is the BEST show in the area. I just need more money!” “We just moved here and I’ve never been to such a classy faire!” “My husband even liked this show. We’ll be back next year.” “It was a good mix of art and handcraft.” “This show is far superior to any I’ve attended. Even my husband was impressed!” “This is the first year we have come and won’t miss it from now on.” “It was so great I had to come back and bring a friend.”
Please be sure to peruse the “Artisans” section of this site to view photos of each of the 31 artists. Art can be purchased from each artist throughout the year as well as at our annual BMA Show & Sale in mid-November. In addition, many artists sell at local boutiques, galleries and other shows in the area. Banner Mountain Artisan’s goal is to produce a quality show with the highest quality artisans Nevada County has to offer.
Artisans interested in joining BMA can submit their work here: Download BMA Application